High in antioxidants such as anthocyanin, black beans are a fantastic staple in international cuisine. The dark skin yields a cream-colored flesh and a sweet flavor.
Stuff to know:
- Black beans are high in fiber and are a good source of iron, thiamin (vitamin B1), magnesium and manganese.
Countries of Origin: USA, Argentina
Technical Info
Tech Sheet - Organic Black Beans
Lot Specific Certificates of Analysis (COA):

Our products comply the 3,000 year old Jewish dietary guidelines with regards to how it produced, processed and prepared. Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc) is the largest community based non-profit Kosher organization in the world.

Our products have been run through our dry mechanical cleaning line, utilizing one or more of the following: Vibratory Sifter, Rare Earth Magnet, Optical Laser Color Sorter and Metal Detection.

Edison Grainery analyzes all incoming product lots for biological, chemical and physical hazards. Lot code specific Certificates of Analysis (COA) are available on all product pages (see above).

Edison Grainery production equipment is Free of the Big 9 Allergens: Milk, Eggs, Fish, Crustacean Shellfish, Tree Nuts, Peanuts, Wheat, Soy and Sesame.

Official National Organic Program (NOP) rules prohibit genetic engineering and require routine testing for GMO’s as part of our agreement with our organic certification partner. Edison Grainery only offers certified organic ingredients procured from reputable certified suppliers.
**Not all certifications apply to all products. See product page headers for applicable badges.**